Ok, I know this may seem ridiculously trivial to some, but I can't let this one go:
Last Century, it was:
1901: nineteen - one
1910: nineteen - ten
1911: nineteen - eleven
1999: nineteen - ninty nine
During the first decade of the 2000's it was:
2001: two thousand -one
2002: two thousand - two
2009: tow thousand - nine
probably because saying 'twenty-one' for 2001, too easily confused with 21.
Now in 2010,
a lot of people are still referring to this year as 'two thousand-ten' and not simply calling it 'twenty-ten'.
How much longer will it take for us to finally start calling (as in years & centuries past) the upcoming years as:
2010: twenty - ten
2011: twenty - eleven
2012: twenty - twelve
2020: twenty - twenty
Your thoughts?